Storm Base is a third-person Tower Defense game

Controls: aim the lazer with your mouse!


Lizard Brain (Joost "Will" Vonk): Created and integrated terrain, skybox, and various particle systems, designed core gameplay mechanic, prototyped camera controls

Brayden Smith: Menu art and functionality, UI/UX, HUD icons and displays, stage change functionality

Coolnushi (Daniel Bustan): Gameplay soundtrack, original SFX and in-game audio functionality, supplemental programming, Pixel Shader

Jarl Ramos: Auto Turret powerup, sensitivity setting,  ground enemy adjustments, stage manager prototyping 

Michael Shaten: Title song 

Samuel Liao: 3D base Model, palm tree models, Enemy spawner functionality, Life Steal powerup prototype, Powerup models, supplemental programming

ShadowHand (Brandon Jack): Core gameplay mechanic implementation, enemy and meteor models and particle trails, power up mechanics,  animation functionality, project lead and management 

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